Web Design and Development

The Difference Between Web Development And Web Design

What is the difference between web development and web design? I remember when I did not know the answer to that question so I had to find out the hard way. One day, I found myself sitting in a meeting with a web developer and web designer, and my job was to manage the production of a new website. In that very situation, as any newbie would be, I was very grateful for knowing the difference between these two professions. Because I knew the difference between these two professions I was better able to manage not only them, but also my expectations. Anyone who is looking to develop a website will probably go out to a company that services in website development, and while you will not have to worry about their functions, it will benefit you to know them. After all knowledge is power, and with this knowledge you will be better equipped to “manage” the project manager from the software company you hired and you will also be better equipped to manage your expectations. These are two critical things that can dramatically affect the end result of your website. Thus, I will venture to quickly describe the functions of a web designer and a web developer, respectively.

Web design deals specifically with what the customer sees. In other words, the web designer handles the visuals of the website. A web designer has many concerns, as any profession might have with their particular field. Respecting and understanding that is key to effective communication. Anyways, a web designeris concerned with how a site looks and how the users interact with it. Great web designers know how to put together the principles of design to create a website that is ascetically pleasing. They also have to understand about the usability and how to create a site that customers want to navigate around in because it’s so easy to do. In other words, web designers have to ensure that the website is user friendly.

Web development deals specifically with what people most attribute to computing, all the coding. Web developers are responsible for developing the intricacies of the back-end of the website, the programming and interactions on the pages, ensuring that all the parts of the website effectively communicate with each other. A web developer’s focus is on how a site works and how the customers get things done on it. A great web developer knows how to program CGI and scripts like PHP. They understand about how web forms work and can keep a site running effectively. For web developers its all about being efficient with the structure and coding of a website.

Now that you understand the difference between web development and web design, you can now approach a software company with the knowledge necessary in order to ensure that your product is finished correctly and efficiently.

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